Permadeath - Videogame Opera Assets

Niobe lowPoly Model

Permadeath Lyre/Flute

Permadeath - Videogame Opera Assets

PermaDeath is the first interactive video game opera, in which audience members download an app to participate. Permadeath is a one of a kind "Videogame Opera" currently in development by Cerise Jacobs. It was released on September 27–29, 2018 at the Emerson Cutler Majestic Theatre in Boston, MA.

This is one of my older projects when I interned with White Snake Projects for this specific project. I created a 3D model for the Videogame Opera itself. The character is Niobe. For the Permadeath Companion App, I created Marsyas' Flute.

The Libretto can be found here:
The concept art is here:
The Companion App is here:

More artwork